
Fate's Journey: Legend of Trilleia: Book 2

The second part of the tournament should have been easier.Legend and her friends have moved on to the second phase of their tournament. Even as Legend reels with her situation regarding Tristan, she has to find a way to bury her feelings for him. She knows she must follow through with the promises she made to him, Emberly, and Ashlynn to fight for Ethyn.As Legend gets closer to Ethyn, more complications arise. Her friends no longer feel like friends, Tristan's anger and betrayal cause great tension between them, and she feels lonely once again. Queen Ella's reign of terror worsens, especially as King Sterling's health continues to decline. To make matters worse, a dark presence is creating an insurrection within Trilleia itself. Is LuMont's warning about the prophecy true? Can Legend navigate through all the uncertainty, fear, and loneliness she now feels has been thrust against her?
-- Stephanie Reynolds

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